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Standard Fees and Project Rates

Legal Writing Programs

Tom’s programs can be structured flexibly into sessions lasting two, three, or four hours. Three- and four-hour programs include writing exercises that help attorneys retain and apply what they’ve learned. 







Tom bases his standard fees on class sizes of about 30 attorneys. If a class size becomes substantially larger, Tom may charge an additional fee to reflect the added value he provides.

Litigation Programs

  • Sharper Sentences: Writing Clearly, Concisely, and Persuasively
  • Powerful Prose: Implementing Persuasive Writing Methods that Seize Readers’ Interest and Enhance Their Comprehension
  • Writing Rehab: Enhancing Writers’ Credibility, Clarity, and Concision
  • Tell Me Now: Crafting Compelling Introductions that Convince Courts Immediately
  • Strategic Storytelling: Framing Facts Favorably to Bolster Arguments
  • Irresistible Arguments: Employing Persuasive Writing Strategies and Techniques that Captivate and Convince Courts
  • Develop Dynamic Arguments: Applying Advanced Persuasive Writing and Editing Techniques

Business Programs

  • Clear Contracts: Writing Agreements in Plain English. 
  • Let’s Do This Together: Writing Persuasive Arguments to Administrative Agencies.  
  • Clear Counsel: Crafting Concise, Solution-Oriented Emails and Memoranda to Clients

Specialized Programs for Lawyers

  • Transition to Practice: Writing Strategies and Techniques for New Attorneys. 

  • Let Me Help: Critiquing Methods for Supervising Attorneys.

Specialized Programs for Human Resources Personnel and other Legal Staff

  • Lawyer Up: Writing and Fact Development Methods for Human Resources Personnel.
  • Think and Write Like Lawyers: Helping Human Resources Personnel Protect Their Companies’ Interests.
  • Help Me Help You: Writing Mechanics for Legal Staff 

Legal Writing Coaching



Project Rates

Tom values and seeks lasting, durable relationships with his clients, so he also offers project rates for his services. He will work with you to arrange fees that reflect the high value of his services and respect your need to have reasonable, predictable training costs.

Tom’s project rates depend on factors like the following:

  1. His clients’ needs

  2. The content and length of his programs

  3. How many programs he is asked to teach

  4. How many attorneys he is asked to coach

  5. How many writing samples he is asked to critique

  6. Opportunities for repeat business or providing more services

  7. His clients’ successful referrals to other legal employers. 

Public Interest Organization

Tom offers his legal writing programs to government agencies at discounted rates.

Tom offers his legal writing programs pro bono to public interest legal organizations.