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Tom Holm: The Legal Writing Teacher Tom teaches attorneys to write better.

Legal Writing Programs

Tom’s legal writing programs teach concrete writing strategies and writing techniques to litigation and transactional attorneys at top law firms, corporations and government agencies. His programs include excellent teaching materials, detailed handouts, writing exercises, and annotated writing samples that your attorneys can learn from, internalize, and rely on in their day-to-day practice. Tom is an engaging, dynamic speaker. And his teaching methods ensure that your attendees will not only value and enjoy learning but also retain and apply what they have learned.

Legal Writing Coaching

Tom also coaches individual attorneys for firms who seek to give their litigation and transactional attorneys expert writing support. Tom will help your attorneys immediately and substantially improve their writing through personalized instruction, constructive written criticism, and individual meetings. Tom’s detailed critiques will teach your clients writing and editing techniques that will help them write more concisely, clearly, and persuasively. These critiques also provide analytical frameworks that will help your clients do the following as they progress at their firms: 1) understand their partners’ line edits of their work; and 2) constructively critique junior attorneys’ work.  

Tom Gets Results

Tom’s legal writing training will help your attorneys write more confidently, efficiently, and cogently. So partners will significantly reduce the time and mental energy they devote to reviewing and revising your attorneys’ work. And partners’ clients will receive better drafts sooner, so their clients will remain satisfied. And your attorneys’ morale will improve because they will understand how to provide the high-level work product their partners and clients expect. They will also see that their firms will invest in their professional growth. Happy, confident attorneys stick. So your firm will retain more of your attorneys. 

Tom’s training will help you avoid the financial and other costs associated with phasing out attorneys with subpar writing skills. Instead of incurring these costs, you can invest much less in Tom’s training and ensure that your current attorneys’ writing will improve.

By investing in Tom’s legal writing training, firms and other employers can decrease their hiring costs, while they increase their attorneys’ efficiency and productivity.

For elite Teaching with the highest value